【同义词辨析】 2018-06-07 合理valid-telling

valid: implies being supported by objective truth or generally accepted authority: absence will be excused for ~ reasons.

sound: implies a basis of flawless reasoning or solid gounds: a ~ proposal for combatting terrorism.

cogent: may stress EITHER weight of sound argument and evidence, OR lucidity of presentation: the prosecutor's ~ summation won over the jury. (summation总结概括)

compelling: suggests a power to overcome doubt, opposition, or reluctance to accept: a documentary that makes a ~ case for court reform.

telling: suggests an immediate and crucial effect striking at the heart of a matter and may OR may not imply soundness and validity: a ~ example of bureaucratic mentality.

valid正当合理: 符合(supported by)客观事实公认准则(authority译作准则较好),sound正确合理: 无瑕推理,坚实基础,cogent有力的: 论证有力(weight of sound argument)表述清晰(lucidity of presentation),compelling让人信服: 能克服(overcome)疑虑反对犹豫,telling说明问题的: 击中问题核心直接有力, 可以针对合理不合理事情(may or may not imply soundness, validity)

记忆方法:1)首字母记忆VSCCT重组成China VS Chinese Taipei:中国对阵中华台北==>合理正当性的竞争

         2) 合理的意思是能让人接受或关注mean having such force as to compel attention or acceptance.